Experiment on salinity and saturation [video]
Simulate the increase of seawater salinity by dissolving salt in water
© Díaz-Barroso, L., Lizarán, I., & Ortiz, V./SOCIB
Group activity - 15 students
Duration: 30 min
Type of activity: experiment
Language: English, Spanish with English subtitles
Materials required: a glass, cold water, salt, a spoon
Follow the step-by-step experimental protocol detailed in the video below to simulate and observe an increase in water salinity to the point of salt overconcentration.
This experiment reproduces what happens in the ocean. When the quantity of salt is too important, the water cannot dissolve any more salt. As a result, salt crystals form and remain at the bottom of the water.
The activity sheet provides the protocol with questions.
Follow up with a booklet on seawater:
Follow up with experiments on the properties of water: