Recreate a marine food web

Try to build a marine food web by dragging each label in its rightful box

Online game

application/pdf Recreate a marine food web - paper game

©Ocean Observers

Individual or group activity

Duration: 10 min

Type of activity: online or downloadable game

Language: English

Materials required: computer or tablet or printout of the PDF file

The goal here is to try and learn how the ocean dwellers interact and more accurately “who eats whom”.

The game can be played as a trial-and-error to learn new facts or as a way to check prior knowledge.

The game is available both online and in paper format.


Follow up with an online quiz on plankton:

Which phytoplankton are you? (12-18)

Follow up with a booklet on the importance of ocean biodiversity:

Human health and the ocean (12-18)