How do Argo floats observe the oceans?

Watch the video “Argo Floats: How do we measure the ocean?”, and answer the questions

Online Quiz    

© science & innovation, NRF SAEON

Individual activity

Duration: 1 hour

Type of activity: online quiz

Language: English

Material required: a computer or a tablet

With this activity, participants will discover what Argo floats measure and why scientists need them. They will also be able to learn how floats sink and drift in the ocean and their life cycle.

This activity contains a video followed by four sections of questions. The first section concerns floats in general. The second focuses on measurements of pressure, temperature, depth and salinity. The last ones deal with the comparison of temperatures collected by  floats along the same longitude and latitude.

Follow up with an experimental activity:

Experiment how an Argo float moves (9-11)

Follow up with a quiz on all observing networks:

Quiz on ocean observing networks (all ages)

For younger participants, try a card sorting game:

Follow the journey of an Argo float (5-8)